Kes APCO : Masa AnWAR semakin suntuk UNTUK BERMAIN ISU
Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini berkata beliau telah menulis kepada Yang Di-pertuan Agong untuk memohon Seri Paduka menasihatkan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak supaya membatalkan kontrak Apco dan juga kontak-kontrak lain yang mempunyai kaitan dengan agen Israel.
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Anwar juga menekankan kepentingan menamatkan kontrak dengan Apco kerana jika tidak ia akan menjejaskan imej negara dan mengancam keselamatan Malaysia.
Sementara itu, Anwar juga mendedahkan minit mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Awam (PAC) bertarikh 11 Ogos 2008 yang memetik kenyataan pengerusinya, Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid yang mengakui kemungkinan Isreal mempunyai akses kepada maklumat negara.
Pada mesyuarat PAC itu bagi membincangkan prestasi Khazanah Nasional, Azmi melahirkan kebimbangan beliau bahawa maklumat rahsia kerajaan mungkin bocor kepada pihak lain.
Berikut petikan mesyuarat itu:
Pengerusi: Ha! Perolehan baru ini melibatkan Israel. Ini amat menakutkan kerana orang ramai mempunyai akses kepada semua maklumat kita. Israel bekerja dengan Amerika dan mereka yang melaksanakan sistem keselamatan kerana mereka ingin tahu mengenai semua pihak di seluruh dunia.
Berrdasarkan maklumat itu, Anwar menggesa polis untuk meneruskan siasatan.
"Saya tidak lihat bagaimana Umno boleh terlepas dengan kekalutan Apco ini,” katanya.
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baru nak tanya YB ZUL.. dia p washington plak..
Salam Perjuangan,
Kami dari Unit Media Wangsa Maju ingin mengucapkan syabas buat anda kerana pengendalian blog anda yang begitu menarik dan artikel2 yang tangkas dan berani.
Kami ingin menjemput anda mengunjungi blog kami di dan berikan komen2 yg bernas di setiap artikel yang kami kemaskini.
Kami juga mengalu2kan penyertaan anda sebagai salah seorang follower di blog kami.
Kami telah link blog anda dalam senarai blog pilihan di blog kami.
Di harap kita dapat bekerjasama dengan lebih baik di masa akan datang.
Crew Unit Media Wangsa Maju
It seem that you are an UMNO pigsty moron agent and being paid by them to think negatively as what they want of you, right?
Let get to the fact, We Malaysians are not anti Jews in any way. It is the UMNO morons that you are praising on, is the culprit.
APCO will recommend to create PERKASA and subcontract all the UMNO dirty work to them, cheat the Kelantan of their petroleum royalty money, lie to the rakyat that 1Malaysia was not the copycat, lock the judiciary, create sodomy 2 and send Anwar to jail for dissenting views.
Why don't we create an atmosphere of hatred and scorn in the nation, whenever we see UMNO symbol, that will denotes death, hatred, racist, robbery, treachery and a devil can do to human being on this planet Earth.
Thereby, voter get voters and get rid of these UMNO morons in the next GE13, by all means.
If only the malays are a bit smarter, then BN won't win. The problem is malays are too damn stupid that they keep voting for BN. I don't know what poison BN gave to make them in this state.
Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:
· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.
Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:
· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.
Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:
· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.
Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.
If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?
No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.
Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!
What do you expect for kampung idiots from UMNO, the likes of penyu.
I feel sorry for your mom & dad you moron.
Did they accidentally switch babies and brought home the son of a village idiot instead?
It is a sad story for both Sabah and Sarawak for joining Malaysia. Just look at Brunei and Singapore to see the answer.
Sabah and Sarawak is being raped by Malaya till dry, all the oil and timber from the two states is being used to finance all the failed projects and also to feed all the Umno zealots.
Ask the Iban and Kandazan, they are being marginalized. Now the government even want to make the country into an Islamic state, did Sabah and Sarawak agree to join an Islamic state in the first place?
September 16 is a day for mourning, a day of shame for Malaysia.
Hey, you pathetic cow and all the babiputras who have the same feeling/thinking like them. You don't feel shame being spoon feed by government using the taxpayers money?
I guess all the protection policy make you all even more lazy and narrow minded and stupid. The majority of you once step out of the Malaysia soil will sure starve to death.
Hoy, I think you should try some pork meat once a while to make you more intelligent a bit. Look at around the world region, anti pork meat countries are mostly rippled with starving and war or worst, non-stop crying for government policy protection.
Fact is fact when you babiputras are stupid is always stupid - although it can be help by consistent protection and nourishment policy but the end result will not go far because the quality of gene is there.
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