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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Peluang Bisnis Online

The following is a list of all the ad networks and affiliate programs I use to make money online. They were chosen from this exhaustive list of 30 ad networks. I have used all the following networks at one time or another and can highly recommend them. They have proven to provide good service/support and most importantly, on time payments.

1. Chitika (Recommended by Darren

The Publisher Referral Program rewards you for bringing new business to Chitika. Refer new Publishers to Chitika's ad service and earn 10% of what your referral earns. The referral makes the same revenue that they would normally and Chitika pays you for your efforts. It's that simple! Click the banner to sign up.

Sign Up Chitika Free

2. WidgetBucks (Recommended by Darren

With WidgetBucks' Referral program, affiliates can earn a 15 percent referral fee based on the commissions earned by the people they refer. Affiliates receive this 15 percent for the full 12 months after the new member joins. Payouts to affiliates are monthly, along with their commission checks. Click the banner to sign up.

Must join, WidgetBucks received few good awards.  

Sign Up WidgetBucks Free

3. Performancing Ads (Recommended by JohnChow.Com)

Make by bloggers for bloggers, Performancing Ads is the market place for the 125×125 ad button, which has slowly become the ad format of choice for bloggers who wants to make money online. Publishers enjoy a 60% revenue share and free placement in the Performancing Ads market place. They also offer a life time referral program that you’ll definitely want to get in on.

Sign up for Performancing Ads

4. OIOpublisher Direct (Recommended by JohnChow.Com)

OIOpublisher Direct is a Wordpress Plugin that automates the ad buying process so you can concentrate on blogging instead of selling. With OIOpublisher direct, advertisers can order, pay for and upload their ads directly to your blog. The only thing you have to do is approve the ad. The script can be installed on an unlimited number of domains and also works with PayPal subscription.

You want to blog, you don’t want to sell ads. Let OIOpubliser Direct do the selling for you. The plugin cost $47 and it’s worth every penny. You should make it all back and more with your first sale.

Get OIOpublisher Direct

5. TwtAd

The twtAd referral program is a great way to spread the word of this great service and to earn even more money with your Twitter account! Refer friends and receive 20% of their earnings for life! Just send them the link below, post it on your Twitter, post it on your website, or any other way without spamming

Sign up here

 6. Twittad 

Affiliates earn 25% of Twittad Transaction Fees on each successful sale of a referred user over the lifetime of the Twittad user. Once Affilate account hits $30, Affiliate can request Payment. Please click the banner to join.

Sign Up TwittAd Free

7. ClixSense

Free members (Non-Premium members) will receive $0.01 for each referral and will receive $2.00 if their direct referral upgrades to a Premium account. You will also receive 10% of revenues generated from your referrals' ad purchases. Sign up free just click the banner.

Sign Up ClixSense Free

8. Magpie

Spread the word and help promote Magpie. For any new Advertiser who signs up through your personal referral link, you will earn a 30% commission of our transaction fees. Not just once, but for the whole first year this Advertiser buys campaigns on Magpie!

Sign Up free click the banner.

9. Earn more by directing users to signup with BidVertiser (Recommended by JohnChow.Com)

1. When a user signs as an advertiser and first spends $10, we'll credit your account with $5. When that same advertiser spends $50, you will be credited with an additional $20.
 2. When a user signs as a publisher and first earns $10, we'll credit your account with $10. When that same publisher earns $50, you will be credited with an additional $40.

Your earnings are tracked in your control panel, including clicks, sign-ups and conversions. Your earnings from referrals will be included with your BidVertiser earnings in the monthly payment cycle.

Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiser

10. MYRM10

Dengan bermodal RM10 kita berpeluang menjana pendapatan sehingga RM244, 140.00 BUKAN program investment tetapi program AFFILATE tempatan yanr terbuka untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. Tak cuba tak tau dah cuba baru merasa. Click link di bawah untuk mengetahui detail.

11. BackLinks.Com

Our affiliate program allows you to earn money by referring users to You will be paid $100 for each advertiser that you refer who buys at
least $50 in text links per month. You will be paid $25 for each
publisher that sells at least $5 in text links using our service. All payments are made via PayPal. You will be paid 45 days after the signup date of your referral.

Sign Up BackLinks.Com Free

12. Text Link Ads (Recommended by Darren & JohnChow)

You can make money being a TLA affiliate by setting up a banner or text link referring traffic back to Any referred traffic that results in a new paid client or new publisher (with a minimum purchase of $25.00) will earn you $25.00.

Join inLinks FreeJoin inLinks Free

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